Since 2007 Taxi to Caracas offers you a secure and reliable taxi service between Simon Bolivar International Airport (CCS) and the city of Caracas.
We ensure that our taxi drivers are trustworthy to relieve you of the hassle and the hazard of being hustled as you arrive at the airport.
Thanks to the experience dealing with travelers, gained since the beginning of our work, we have learned to understand the needs of our clients. In order to perform the best service that a traveler may find in one place, we have diversified or services, helping travelers booking a Hotel or Home Stay rooms, looking for plane tickets (domestic and international), offering things to do (sights seen and activities) on their free time during their stay in Venezuela and provide protected transportation (with armored vehicles and bodyguards).
In TaxiToCaracas we are more than happy to help you on any kind of request and/or giving you any kind of information that will help you to experience the best, safe and comfortable journey inside Venezuela.
The Way to Get There Safely
We are a company that offers secure transportation between Venezuela's Simon Bolivar International
Airport (CCS) and any location in the city of Caracas or any place in Venezuela Caracas airport maiquetia taxi Caracas city from airport taxi to Caracas airport maiquetia taxi Caracas taxi Caracas airport taxi Caracas airport taxi Caracas airport taxi to Caracas